(originally posted here, 25 Jun 2005)
Whenever sacred duty decays
and chaos prevails,
then, I create
myself, Arjuna.To protect men of virtue,
and destroy men who do evil,
to set the standard of sacred duty,
I appear in age after age.
Bhagavad Gita, chapter 4, verses 7, 8
In all its central planning, government is forever declaring the major combat operations are over, whether in foreign or domestic policy, only to discover that its real struggles and battles last and last. A good example is in the area of foreign trade. If a good or service is more efficiently produced abroad, the logic of the market will reassign production patterns until they conform. An attempt to protect domestic industry can do nothing to change this reality. Instead, protection only increases prices for consumers, subsidizes inefficient firms, and brings about ever increasing amounts of wasted time, work, and resources.
Working Around Leviathan, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Those who wish to change the world
According with their desire
Cannot succeed.The world is shaped by the Way;
It cannot be shaped by the self.
Trying to change it, you damage it;
Trying to possess it, you lose it.
Tao Te Ching, verse 29