Ideology is good counsel and long-term thinking. Ideology looks for root causes and larger patterns. Ideology understands that good policies may begin with the pain of readjustment, and that the easy way now can lead to suffering later. Ideology can be hard, but Pragmatism is always easy. Pragmatism is just enough to paper over problems until I get out of office. Pragmatic builders get by with cheap materials. Ideology insists upon quality and adherence to a higher order. What do pragmatists do when nobody's looking? It is pragmatic to sell tainted food and dangerous automobiles if the risk of getting caught is low. Wisdom solidifies into ideology. Pragmatism is happy to compromise between wisdom and folly. Ideology seeks truth, pragmatism seeks whatever works, but what works better than what is true?
In the long term, ideology is more practical than pragmatism. Are you looking to pump and dump or are you in it for the long haul?